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Raising an Autistic Son: How Rebecca N. Carmant Fearlessly Faces Life's Obstacles


On this episode of Badass Black Girl, M.J. speaks with Rebecca N. Carmant, an Haitian-American author, educator, and mother to an autistic son. They discuss how her son, Cyril, got his diagnosis and the challenges she faced when dealing with the school and medical systems. They talk about what keeps her going when things become difficult, and about her son’s typical routine for a day. They also discuss the support system she has built outside of the school system and her self-care routines. Rebecca talks about those closest to her, the people she calls on when things become overwhelming. They discuss Cyril’s needs for a circle of friends and his prospects for the future. Lastly, M.J. asks Rebecca, "If you could talk to your younger self, which lessons would you share with her?"

Rebecca N. Carmant is the author of Sunshine on Stormy Seas, a poetry collection that gives voice to the battles the Haitian-American writer faces as a woman of color, a person of faith, and the mother of an autistic child. Carmant holds a Master’s degree in Education and is pursuing a doctoral degree in Leadership. She advocates for many causes, including but not limited to autism and social justice.

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